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MSH recognizes five facility-level Awards of Distinction winners

Hospital receives recognition from Waycross-Ware County Chamber of Commerce

Memorial Satilla Health has been recognized for the hospital's participation in the Acute Care Antibiotic Stewardship Program.

LifeLink of Georgia presented Memorial Satilla with a platinum recognition for conducting organ donation education and donor registration.

Drs. Lee & Wykstra have each performed 200 robotic surgical procedures

Memorial Satilla Health participated in Crush the Crisis, the DEA's National Drug Take Back Day.

South Georgia State College students will experience real-life scenarios in new Sim Lab

Memorial Satilla receives stroke certification from The Joint Commission

CNO Celeste Brizzee announced this year's award winners during a Nurses Week ceremony.

Hospital supports Okefenokee Alliance for the Homeless in providing services to homeless individuals in the community we serve.

Novel Technology Breaks Up Problematic Calcium Within Plaque in the Leg Arteries

Longtime board chairman Owen Herrin retires after 25 years of service to Memorial Satilla Health

The hospital board recently approved a $100,000 donation for support of the allied health program and student scholarships at CPTC.

Debbie Cannon, NICU nurse, receives community award at Chamber annual banquet

Memorial Satilla earns national Donate Life recognition for promoting organ, eye and tissue donation