Debbie Cannon, longtime RN in the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Memorial Satilla Health, was awarded the Randy Sharpe Health Hero Award at the Waycross-Ware County Chamber Banquet earlier this month.
A former patient, Maggie Burch, nominated Cannon and presented the award.
“After the birth of our son, it was Debbie’s support, confidence and calm demeanor that helped me not give up at the beginning of my breast-feeding journey,” Maggie said. “Debbie is more than a nurse; she deeply cares for all the babies and parents that pass through the labor and delivery doors. She was such a blessing to us during this incredibly special moment in our lives. Debbie truly is a health hero, and I cannot thank her enough for all the support she showed my family.”
“I was really surprised by the award,” Debbie says. “I did not expect that at all.”
Debbie has worked in the Birthing Center at Memorial Satilla for 44 years. A Waycross resident, she found her dream job right out of nursing school and never looked back. Debbie serves families at Memorial Satilla today with the same enthusiasm she had when clocking in for her first shift.
“I just felt this was the direction for my life and the door opened,” Debbie says. “I always knew I was going to be in the nursery. It was in my heart that this is what I wanted to do.”
Debbie serves as a lactation consultant for new moms, and provides grief support for families after a miscarriage. She considers both tasks a form of ministry.
“I just have a passion for it – even after all these years,” Debbie adds.
Photo identification: NICU Nurse Debbie Cannon receives the Randy Sharpe Health Hero Award from Maggie Burch, a former patient.